Tag Gohar Vardanyan

Gohar Vardanyan Plays Suite in A minor by Ponce

Gohar Vardanyan Suite in A minor by Manuel Maria Ponce (1882-1948). This is one of those imitation Baroque works Ponce wrote for Segovia. If you know the gossip, there is even a prelude by Ponce that was passed off as…

A Lesson on Vibrato by Gohar Vardanyan

Another great classical guitar lesson from Gohar Vardanyan via her sponsor String By Mail. Vibrato is not only a great way to increase your musical expression but I’ve found it to also be an excellent aid to relaxing the left hand for students…

A Lesson in Tone Production by Gohar Vardanyan

A nice lesson from Gohar Vardanyan and her sponsor String By Mail. Here she talks about nails and tone production on classical guitar. Gohar Vardanyan is an amazing guitarist with a clear sound and blazing technique. You can check out my detailed explanation…

Left Hand Pressure Exercise by Gohar Vardanyan

This lesson brought to you by Strings By Mail and Gohar Vardanyan is great, I wish more companies or artists would give online lessons. This one is regarding Left Hand Pressure on classical guitar. You might also want to check out…