Adam Cicchillitti Plays Prelude in C Minor by Barrios

Canadian guitarist Adam Cicchillitti performs Prelude in C Minor by Agustin Barrios Mangore (1885-1944). This comes via Cicchillitti’s YouTube channel and recorded by Drew Henderson. Great performance by Cicchillitti with beautiful phrasing and pacing. One of the great preludes by Barrios, solemn but not without a few hopeful parts and forward momentum.

This is my interpretation of the classic Barrios Prelude in C-minor. I’ve recorded this piece before and have a version from my living room already on YouTube, but I have improved the majority of my left-hand fingerings and decided to re-record it with the incredible Drew Henderson in a more beautiful acoustic space. The piece is a string of arpeggios, utilizing a descending sighing motive in the treble voice. The first half of the piece descends to a low E before dramatically building to the highest register of the piece, before descending anew in a slow return to the C-minor harmony that is heard at the end.

Cicchillitti’s YouTube 


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  1. I really thought this was a great interpretation, thanks for sharing!! One thing that has been on my mind is the angle of the neck. It seems when I am watching videos of Bream and Williams the neck angle is less steep but with many of the “newer” (at least relative to them) guitar players we are seeing much steeper angles relative to before. Maybe this is just me but I wonder if technique teachings have changed on this. I would be curious about others thoughts. Thanks!