Duet: Canone & Spagna a due liuti by Francesco da Milano

Canone & Spagna a due liuti by Francesco da Milano (c. 1497–1543) – From the Cavalcanti lute book (1590). Period lute duets arranged for 2 guitars in score format (two pages for each piece). The score includes notation only and is a PDF download. Includes a fingered version for regular guitar tuning and an unfingered version for relative lute tuning or alternative fingering. Thanks to Douglas Hensley for joining me. Youtube Video Link – We are using the unfingered score, and have our 3rd strings tuned to F# (relative lute tuning).

Videos by Others

Great to hear the amazing Emma Rush and Jesse Luciani playing this duet via split screen.

Also see this lute performance of the Spagna with Emilio Bezzi and Ranato Cadel.

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