David Kellner Sheet Music for Classical Guitar

David Kellner Lute Works – PDF sheet music arranged for Classical Guitar with free lesson and performance videos. David Kellner (1670–1748) was a German composer and lutenist of the Baroque era and a direct contemporary of Bach. He wrote a sizeable amount of compositions for the lute but also theory of music and equal temperament. His diagram of the circle of fifths is the earliest extant examples. I find these galant works very satisfying and filled with charm. The later Baroque and Galant style bridge the gap between the Baroque and Classical Eras highlighting a melodic line flowing through the works and rarely any super thick counterpoint. This transitional, but clearly Baroque music, sits nicely on the guitar compared to many Baroque lute works.

Sheet Music and Video Lessons – All PDF sheet music includes both a notation-only edition and a TAB edition. These are all originally lute works arranged for classical guitar.

Example of David Kellner played on Classical Guitar

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