The Golden Century
by Alan Rinehart
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Listen to samples or buy via Amazon: The Golden Century
Programme notes: Click Here (PDF)
Previously Published on Classical Guitar Canada in 2011.
I had the joy of meeting Alan Rinehart two years back at the Northwest Guitar Festival in my hometown, Nelson, B.C. Alan put on a great little festival that was very successful and well organized. Mr. Rinehart’s new recording The Golden Century is comprised of selections from Italian lute music of the 16th century. Composers include: Francesco Spinacino, Joanambrosio Dalza, Vincenzo Capirola, Francesco Canova da Milano, Pietro Paulo Borrono, Alberto da Ripa, Vincenzo Galilei, Giulio Cesare Barbetta, Giovanni Antonio Terzi, Simone Molinaro.
The recording has some spectacular repertoire. Some of my highlights of this recording are the Piva by Joan Ambrosio Dalza which displays a very spirited but natural feeling dance nicely handled by Rinehart. Also a personal favourite is the Fantasia 33 (Ness) by da Milano. Some unexpected repertoire that I haven’t heard before were the works by Pietro Paulo Borrono which I’ll have to track down as they are excellent. The wealth of repertoire from this time period, really the golden age for plucked instruments, never ceases to amaze me. Another gem was the Alberto da Ripa (c. 1500–1551) Fantasia. I didn’t know much about him but there was a wiki on him stating “the court of Francis I. held him in great esteem , as his annual salary was double that of any other lutenist, and he also frequently received gifts of land, money, wine, etc., and various other benefits.”
Alan Rinehart has produced a very interesting album filled with some well-known masterpieces and a number of unknown gems as well.