Heike Matthiesen plays Elegie by Sylvie Bodorová


Heike Matthiesen plays Elegie by Sylvie Bodorová on a 2014 Roy Fankhänel. This comes via the wonderful Siccas Guitars and their YouTube channel which is keep this blog alive! Heike Matthiesen is a very active performing guitarist from Germany and also has a crazy large fan-base online such as her Google+ and Facebook pages. I don’t know much about this work by Czech composer Sylvie Bodorová (b.1954). I believe it is an Homage to Columbus and written in 1988. Heike, if you see this can you tell us anything about the piece via the comment section below? Do you know who it was it written for? Why Columbus? Nice work though, I like it.


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  1. Sylvie Bodorova wrote this piece as a set piece for a competition in 1988 after she heard the news that her long year piano teacher passed away, she told me that he had opened new worlds to her, so he was her Columbus. The piece is a tombeau for her most influential teacher..