Maria Luisa (Mazurka), from Tres Piezas Fáciles, Op.19 by Julio Sagreras (1879-1942). This comes from my Classical Guitar Repertoire Lessons Grade 5 book. Five pieces at the grade 5 level with dedicated lessons preparing you for each piece.
In this lesson I cover some upper position scales in the key of the piece as well as a few chord shapes to know. This should help with fretboard knowledge and upper position orientation. I end the lesson by doing a full walk through of the work. Sagreras was an Argentine guitarist, pedagogue, and composer. His many lessons are contained in a multi-volume method book that include numerous studies. He also has a large number of stand alone works such as the one here from op.19.
Note: Bar 14 in the original is an F natural. It would make more sense as an F sharp to make a B7 leading to E but I’ve decided to leave it as natural since it is a measure away from the cadence. It’s a more logical choice as an F natural but oddities are common in this era and guitar music. It might not have bothered him as it doesn’t bother me, but from a textbook theory perspective F sharp is better choice. Also, the rest of the work is harmonically very tame and by the book for the most part. I’m living on the wild side!