Duo Tandem (Necati Emirzade & Mark Anderson) have a new album out titled Watching the World Go By. The above video Before you Wake is the first track off the album and comes via their Youtube.. Here’s promo info, “This album is built around 4 compositions – Yeşil Şiir, John Henry, two Cyprian Rhapsodies, and Four Hypnoses. Two of them are our own compositions while two of them are commissions; two of them relate to American Blues while two of them relate to Cypriot Turkish music. From there we composed four short ‘interludes’ to weave each of these individual stories together into a larger, single narrative. While each of the tracks stands on it’s own, our intention is that the album can be listened to from start to finish. We hope that you are able to find the time to sit down and take this journey with us.”