Pumping Nylon by Scott Tennant for Classical Guitar

Pumping Nylon by Scott Tennant for Classical Guitar

Pumping Nylon by Scott Tennant – The Classical Guitarist’s Technique Handbook. Pumping Nylon by Scott Tennant has become one of the most popular technique books for classical and fingerstyle guitarists alike. It has great physical workouts to train muscles and gain finger independence and dexterity. It’s a very popular book due to how memorable the exercises are, which in turn, are great for warm-ups and technique correction. That said, it’s more of a reference exercise book rather than a comprehensive technique method so it’s best suited to intermediate to late-intermediate guitarists or those looking for a set of warm-up exercises to conquer. However, beginners could start with some of the independence and alignment exercises. Overall, even if you own other books you probably will want to get a copy of this to see what all the hype is about. Personally, the best thing about it is that it’s not overly comprehensive, it’s just a solid set of material that everyone needs.

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