Marcin Dylla plays Lute Suite BWV 996 by Bach

Polish guitarist Marcin Dylla plays Lute Suite in E Minor, BWV 996 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). This comes via his fantastic YouTube channel.  Great performance with a pronounce rhythmic feel and directness in the praeludio that really refreshed the piece for me. Some impressive work in the gigue as well with some tight little ornaments. It’s great to have the entire suite in one video and by such a great musician. Of course, Bach didn’t specifically write any works for the lute, at least not in practical terms. He likely composed the works on lute- harpsichord (lautenwerk), an uncommon instrument, and so they became popularly known as Lute Suites. Bach was familiar with lute players of the day such as Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687–1750) and even arragned one of works and met with him in person on a number of occasions. So it’s not inconceivable that Bach could have imagined a lute performing the work or even loosely intended it.

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  1. Una versió extraordinària de la suite BWV 996. Molta claredat en el fraseig. I una musicalitat que trobem en pocs guitarristes en l’actualitat. A part de la seva qualitat tècnica, es per a mi la musicalitat la seva qualitat més destacable d’aquest grandiós guitarrista.