Recercar by Joan Ambrosio Dalza (fl. 1508) – Free PDF Sheet Music and Tab includes two editions: Notation Only & Notation with modern TAB. Sheet Music for Classical Guitar, PDF Download. Level: Early-Intermediate (Grade 3). All fingering and tab for 3rd string tuned to F#.
Free Edition: Notation & Notation + Modern TAB
Pairing: I’ve made this free score as an optional introduction to Calata ala Spagnola which is also available on Werner Guitar Editions.
I love this simple yet beautiful music. Joan Ambrosio Dalza flourished around 1508 but nothing much else is known about his life. His surviving works comprise the fourth volume of Ottaviano Petrucci’s influential series of lute music publications, Intabolatura de lauto libro quarto (Venice, 1508). Dalza is referred to as “milanese” in the preface, so it must be assumed he was either born in Milan, or worked there, or both. YouTube Performance and Lesson Link (4k).
The original Renaissance Tab (remember that everything is upside down in Italian lute tablature and the 3rd string is tuned to F#).

Why do guitarists use capos and 3rd string F# tuning?
This is the Calata ala Spagnola by Dalza that I mention in the above video.