Tag Reviews and New Releases

Classical Guitar Reviews and New Releases – Accessories, Gear, Guitars, and more.

Bret Williams - Seven Original Pieces for Solo Guitar

Seven Original Pieces for Solo Guitar by Bret Williams

Seven Original Pieces for Solo GuitarBy Bret Williams Buy or Listen via: Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Nice to hear Bret Williams performing and composing on his new album, Seven Original Pieces for Solo Guitar. I’ve featured Bret on the site a…

Fandango! by Johan Löfving

Fandango! Music for Solo Guitar and String Quartet by Johan Löfving

Fandango! Music for Solo Guitar and String QuartetJohan Löfving (guitar) & Consone Quartet2020 Resonus Listen, Learn, or Buy: Resonus, Amazon, iTunes, Spotify.  I’ve featured Swedish guitarist Johan Löfving a number of times so it’s great to hear his new album.…

20th Century Guitar Sonatas by Michael Kolk

20th Century Guitar Sonatas by Michael Kolk

20th Century Guitar Sonatas by Michael KolkArtist Website: michaelkolkguitar.comProduced and Engineered by Drew Henderson2020 Michael Kolk Listen, Learn, or Buy: michaelkolkguitar.com, Spotify, Amazon, iTunes Great to hear a new album by one of my favourite players, Canadian guitarist Michael Kolk.…

HB Guitar Support

Review: HB Guitar Supports

HB Guitar Support & HB Lite Guitar SupportLearn More or Buy – HB Support: Etsy Store or on eBayLearn More or Buy – HB Lite: Etsy Store or on eBayYouTube Review Link I am very excited and pleased to receive…

Fingers of TIme - Uros Baric

Fingers of Time Vol. 1 & 2 by Uros Baric

Fingers of Time Vol. 1 & 2 by Uros BaricRecorded, Produced, and Performed by Uros Baric2018 Baros Records Learn More, Listen, or Buy: Fingers of Time Vol. 1 and Fingers of Time Vol. 2 Great to hear the release of…

Cling On Acoustic Pickup for Classical Guitar

Review: Cling On Acoustic Pickup with Magnetic Attachment

Cling On Acoustic Pickup with Magnetic AttachmentPlus the additional direct cable and extra magnets Learn more or buy at the Cling On Official Site or Amazon I was excited to try out this magnetic pickup for acoustic instruments by Cling…

Italian Theorbo Music by James Akers

Review: Italian Theorbo Music by James Akers

Italian Theorbo Music Transcribed For Classical Guitar by James Akers2019 Guitar & Music Institute Buy the Book on Amazon: Italian Theorbo Music by Akers Thanks to the Guitar and Music Institute for sending me this book of theorbo music which…

Izidor Erazem Grafenauer - Works of Slovenian Composers

Works of Slovenian Composers by Izidor Erazem Grafenauer

Works of Slovenian Composers by Izidor Erazem GrafenauerBaros Records, 2019Produced by Uros Baric Buy or Listen via Baros Records (best), Apple, Amazon, Spotify. I was very pleased to learn about this excellent recording of Slovenian composers by guitarist Izidor Erazem…

Napoleonian Guitar Sonatas

Napoleonian Guitar Sonatas with Pascal Valois

Napoleonian Guitar Sonatas with Pascal Valois (romantic guitar) and Jacques-André Houle (violin) Release date: January 17th, 2020 Label: Centaur Records Buy or Listen on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon, Apple, hbdirect or his website. Great to hear this new album of solos…

Kossler Duo - Danse Macabre

Danse Macabre by The Kossler Duo

Kossler Duo: Danse Macabre New Transcriptions for Guitar Duo John Kossler & Adam Kossler 2019, Frameworks Records (Sony Orchard) Kossler Duo on Facebook, YouTube Buy or Listen to Danse Macabre on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify Danse Macabre is a collection of…

A Tutor for the Renaissance Lute - Poulton

A Tutor for the Renaissance Lute by Diana Poulton

A Tutor for the Renaissance Lute by Diana Poulton – Although this is a method book for lute, I’ve used it a lot for my classical guitar studies and for creating guitar editions of lute music. It’s an extremely helpful…